
Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Anal Problems?

Anal problems - they’re not uncommon. Many people suffer from them, including chess legend Bobby Fischer.  Bobby would sit for hours at a game and develop hemorrhoids and anal fissures.

We all remember the classic conversation between Spassky and Fissure in 1972:

Fissure: “Hello Boris how are you?”

Spassky: “Fine. How are your anal fissures, Fischer?”

Fissure: “Screw you Boris, Nxc3!”

Spassky: “Oh yea? Well your mother did this : Bb4? And I replied Kxc7!” I rooked her!

Fissure: "So did I!"

There is a new product out there to alleviate the pain of anal problems: “Preparation Hxc4”, specifically designed for the chess enthusiast.

Chess – it keeps the retards off our streets.


  1. That wasn't very medically informative.

  2. o Hey, nice blog! Is there any way I can contact you? We also own a popular blog in this space.


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